Healthcare & income, travel and accident

With a good package of fringe benefits, you can make a difference for your employees. In the ‘war for talent’ it may just clinch the deal. We share the opinion that group insurance is just as beneficial to the employer as it is too employees. 

Group packages of fringe benefits will, of course, differ from organisation to organisation. It depends on needs, composition and risks. When we provide advice we will look at your requirements based on an integrated approach, enabling us to provide an appropriate and competitive proposal.

 request a meeting

What can we offer you?

  • The employer can minimise financial risk through income protection.
    • group WIA (The Work and Income according to Working Capacity Act) employee insurance
    • group sickness absence insurance
    • self-insurance WGA (Return to Work Scheme for the Partially Disabled)
    • self-insurance Sickness Benefits Act (Ziektewet)
  • Employers and employees benefit from a sound group healthcare insurance.
    • health and employability as a vision
    • additional budget for prevention
    • additional budget for training
    • additional budget for alternative treatments
    • discount on the basic insurance and supplementary insurance for employees
  • Employers counter employees’ risks through group travel insurance and group accident insurance.


Assured of the best insurable

employment conditions.

Take good care of your people.

With a group healthcare insurance .
