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Brexit: points of attention for cross-border interests

di 15 december 2020

The outcome of Brexit is still very uncertain. In the United Kingdom, the current EU legislation is valid until 31 December this year. We still don't know yet what the consequences are for insuring cross-border interests.

In the last weeks of the year we expect to hear what the transition period will look like. New measures will most likely effect insured interests such as buildings, materials, equipment, goods and activities under an English entity. There are a few points of attention for now:

  • How does Brexit take form and what does it mean for your insured risks?
  • What are your insurer’s guidelines?
  • What adjustments are necessary in your insurance program?
  • What financial consequences does this have for you?

Do you have insured interest in the UK? Then please consult with your account manager. 

Current status
At the moment, the status is as follows: Some insurers provide a solution themselves, others place the responsibility with the customer and its adviser. Meijers keeps a close eye on developments and regularly consults with insurers on this matter. 

Please call your account manager or send us an e-mail. 

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Tag: Internationaal

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